Dr. Drew
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February 16, 2021
California Claims To Be Humanistic, But Treats The Homeless Inhumanely

Sadly, we are in the midst of a MASSIVE mental health crisis and a MASSIVE drug addiction crisis. In LA county alone, we lose 4 people a day on average. It breaks my heart! Homelessness can be a serious issue requiring access to treatment for mental health and drug addiction, and yet, some laws make it extremely difficult for practitioners to help in the way that's needed. Why do we allow people who are not medically trained to create laws that restrict access to medical help! California prides itself for being humanistic, but our government handles the homeless inhumanely! Let's treat mental disorders like other illnesses. It's time we start helping those that need our help most!

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OMG wait till the end!

California Dreamin

@DrDrew @DrDrewsCrew
Did you feel it? I didn't

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