Dr. Drew
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This community is devoted to the productive discourse on a myriad of topics such as cultural and political trends, social issues, religion, sex, and health, just to name a few.
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Sunday fun day question.
Do you believe in reincarnation?
I admitted I believe I am my Grandfather on "Reaching Out With Susan Pinsky".
If that is so, life is a 1st person shooter.
Game on!

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What else you may like…
A New Dr Drew after Dark witg Rachel Wolfson!
This little shit finally went outside in the rain!
October 21, 2021
Behind the scenes


Today's show is at 3pm PT / 5pm CT with the Salty Cracker!

Why are protesters setting themselves on fire – and is it a sign of a dire mental health crisis beginning to break after a years-long barrage of panic in the media? I'll dig deeper at 3pm PT w/ @SaltyCracker9 on @AskDrDrew https://drdrew.com/2024/why-are-protesters-setting-themselves-on-fire-analyzing-mental-health-effects-of-years-long-media-panic-viewing-disaster-videos-w-salty-cracker-ask-dr-drew/

@DrDrew @Drdrewscrew . . . et al

" Happy Passover - Prayers - 2024 "

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@DrDrew @DrDrewscrew . . .and everyone

" Youth of Today " listen to Death Metal Bands -

Many lyrics from many performers
incite violence - killing - murder - trashing - lust - greed . . .

No wonder there are extreme " mass shootings " - " more inner city wars " - " abuse of women and children for control " . . . madness is escalating once more . . .

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