Dr. Drew
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June 14, 2021
Worse than California

I didn’t know anywhere was worse than California but I believe I have found somewhere that is. It is Germany! I waited in line to go into a café in the Munich airport where all the staff were wearing surgical masks; the table they were going to sear me was, I kid you not 6 feet from where I was standing. And mind you the cafe was was open to the terminal on all sides but they required me to go to a pharmacy to buy an N 95 mask to walk the 6 feet to take my mask off to eat. Again the staff were all wearing surgical mask, I was wearing a surgical mask, but that did not meet their “requirements”.

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This little shit finally went outside in the rain!
October 21, 2021
Behind the scenes



OMG wait till the end!

California Dreamin

@DrDrew @DrDrewsCrew
Did you feel it? I didn't

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