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The six-month follow-up of the large randomized trial of the Pfizer vaccine is out.

It comes with a surprising result: despite 90% less infections, no mortality benefit is visible in the vaccine cohort.

I thought these vaccines were supposed to prevent death. According to their own numbers, it does not and the heart ailments are even more alarming.

Of course, they want you to take them and get ready for this…

Pfizer is now touting not only a booster shot, but their their therapeutic very highly, which, to be fair, Dr. Drew has discussed.

A 40-year old meteorologist from Long Island, NY just provided more informed consent AGAIN than Pfizer did, which is WRONG, WRONG, WRONG!!!

This is why Alex Berenson and Bret Weinstein are more trusted than our medical establishment. THEY HAVE BEEN A CATASTROPHE FROM THE BEGINNING and quite frankly, it is criminal what they have done to humanity. This should infuriate everyone.

What the heck is going on?


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